Leadership Team

Position: State Director (VIC)
Company: La Trobe University
Education: B.Pod, La Trobe University
Memberships: APodA, SEPA
Throughout high-school I always wanted to work in healthcare due to my interests in sport and exercise, so becoming a podiatrist was a great fit for me. My career has allowed me to work in community health centres, orthopaedic departments in large hospitals, sports medicine clinics, and with several professional sports teams. I regularly draw upon my clinical experiences in my academic position in Podiatry at La Trobe University, where my teaching and research is focused on the biomechanical and clinical effects of foot orthoses, walking and running biomechanics and the prevention and management of lower extremity injuries.
Most of the highlights in my career have one common theme, and that is being able to help people achieve their sporting goals, whether that be to continue their professional sporting career following a serious injury, run a marathon for the first time, or simply return to regular exercise. I find it particularly motivating and rewarding when the barriers to helping a person achieve their goals requires a creative solution, such as modifying athletic footwear, making a unique orthosis, help retrain the way they run or simply get inventive with their rehabilitation programme.
I joined SEPA as I’m keen to see podiatry continue to grow in the area of exercise and sport. Podiatrists play an integral role in enabling individuals to remain physically active in order to live healthier and happier lives, while also being able to help sports people perform to their highest level. Through my clinical, teaching, and research background, I’d like to assist SEPA in advancing the knowledge base of our profession, while also promoting the role of podiatry in keeping individuals physically active and healthy.

New memberships and renewals are currently on-hold while we work on launching our new system.

New/prospective members: please contact us to go on the new member waitlist; we will invite you to join upon launch of the new system.

All existing members awaiting renewal: you will be automatically invited to renew soon.

We thank-you for your continued patience.